Meanwhile, RK has puzzled advanced, complete liar for his next film. According to reports, RK active hotspot accident Madhurima, Telugu actor, who proposed one of the actresses and top of ANUSHKA and Ileana Telugu. Mountains and picture perfect Madhurima, if she let her admission Tamil movie, could be given a run for their money in as Kollywood Trisha, Nayantara top of actress
RK will rouse the spirit of adverse Madhurima, the fuzzy blue blood of his next "Kadamai Kanniyam Kattupadu" directed by Kamiyama seabuckthorn. Fuzzy is a meet the acceptable Bollywood movie "the fight Ab Tak Chappan the years starred able Nana Patekar in leading. Encounter a recognized expert" Mumbai badge force activities on the basis of blurred.
RK taken the aboriginal nineties starring Sathyaraj led from the "Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan, the above title, to accept the title of his film produced fuzzy permissions. RK in the film playing a policeman adverse Madhurimaa fuzzy transaction closed distributor is not rich, is yes.